Death of a Young Man


TITLE Death of a Young Man

SPEAKER Datu Umising Angguling

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE September 25, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS6B2 (Near beginning)

TRANSCRIBED Aurelio Linggan


NOTE Recorded privately in my office

MU163001 001

   Spoken: Iyan pangguhureng           ku,       pangguhud        a    te    
   Formal: Iyan pangguhuren            ku        pangguhud        a    te    
 Phonemic: ­ian pa¥guguden             ku        pa¥gugud         ­a   te    
  Lexemes: ­ian paN- =gugud     =-en   ku        paN- =gugud      ­a   te    
  Lex POS: dem  v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron      v_aff=v_rt       pron cmk   
Lex Gloss: that DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) DISTR=tell_story 1s_F NF    
 Word POS: dem  v                      poss_pron v                pron cmk   
Wrd Gloss: that story                  my        tell_story       I    about 

   Spoken: mekaamung  ni              Besinti. 
   Formal: mekaamung  ni              Besinti  
 Phonemic: meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti  
  Lexemes: meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti  
  Lex POS: n          cmk             prop_n   
Lex Gloss: son-in-law NF(II)_PERS(sg) Besinti  
 Word POS: n          cmk             prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: son-in-law of              Vicente  

This is my story, I will tell about the son-in-law of Vicente.

I will tell the story about the son-in-law of Vicente.

MU163001 002

   Spoken: Siinis     mekaamung  ni              Besinti ne  si         Ilayew  ne  
   Formal: seini  se  mekaamung  ni              Besinti ne  si         Ilayew  ne  
 Phonemic: se­ini#se  meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti ne  si         ­Ilayew ne  
  Lexemes: se­ini#se  meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti ne  si         ­Ilayew ne  
  Lex POS: pron  #cmk n          cmk             prop_n  lnk cmk        prop_n  lnk 
Lex Gloss: this  #F   son-in-law NF(II)_PERS(sg) Besinti LNK F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  LNK 
 Word POS: pron  #cmk n          cmk             prop_n  lnk cmk        prop_n  lnk 
Wrd Gloss: this  #the son-in-law of              Vicente -   -          Ilayew  -   

   Spoken: riye  te  Lebeng. 
   Formal: riye  te  Lebeng  
 Phonemic: die­  te  Lebe¥   
  Lexemes: die­  te  Lebe¥   
  Lex POS: dem   cmk prop_n    
Lex Gloss: there NF  bury    
 Word POS: dem   cmk prop_n        
Wrd Gloss: there at  Lebeng        

Ths son-in-law of Vicente, Ilayew, there at Lobong.

Ilayew, the son-in-law of Vicente was there at Lobong.

Lobong is just slightly upstream from Panganan.

MU163001 003

   Spoken: Sug        abat        sikandin te  aheley. 
   Formal: su         eg-abat     sikandin te  aheley  
 Phonemic: su         ­eg­abat    sikandin te  ­ageley 
  Lexemes: su         ­eg- =­abat sikandin te  ­ageley 
  Lex POS: conj       v_aff=v_rt  pron     cmk n       
Lex Gloss: because/so NP   =pick  3s_F     NF  corn    
 Word POS: conj       v           pron     cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: because    pick_corn   he       -   corn    

Because he was picking corn.

Because he was picking corn.

"eg-abat" means to pick the corn off the stem and remove the outer skin of off the cob.

MU163001 004

   Spoken: Pegkamaapun           neimpusan          din       te  mig-abat    ka  
   Formal: Pegkamaapun           neimpusan          din       te  mig-abat    ka  
 Phonemic: pegkamaapun           ne­impusan         din       te  mig­abat    ka2 
  Lexemes: pegkA-=mA1-=hapun     nA-  =­impus=-an   din       te  mig- =­abat ka2 
  Lex POS: v_aff =aff =n_rt      v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff pron      cmk v_aff=v_rt  cmk 
Lex Gloss: ***   =ADJR=afternoon P_ObF=finish=LocF  3s_NF(II) NF  P    =pick  F   
 Word POS: adv                   v                  pron      cmk v           cmk 
Wrd Gloss: late_afternoon        finished           he        -   picked      the 

   Spoken: aheley  pig-uyan    din       diye  te  baley su         riye  
   Formal: aheley  pig-uyan    din       diye  te  baley su         riye  
 Phonemic: ­ageley pig­uyan    din       die­  te  baley su         die­  
  Lexemes: ­ageley pig- =­uyan din       die­  te  baley su         die­  
  Lex POS: n       v_aff=v_rt  pron      dem   cmk n     conj       dem   
Lex Gloss: corn    ObF_P=carry 3s_NF(II) there NF  house because/so there 
 Word POS: n       v           pron      dem   cmk n     conj       dem   
Wrd Gloss: corn    carried     he        there to  house because    there 

   Spoken: itahu             te  baley ka  aheley. 
   Formal: itahu             te  baley ka  aheley  
 Phonemic: ­itagu­           te  baley ka2 ­ageley 
  Lexemes: ­i-     =tagu­    te  baley ka2 ­ageley 
  Lex POS: v_aff   =v_rt     cmk n     cmk n       
Lex Gloss: UnA_AccF=put_away NF  house F   corn    
 Word POS: v                 cmk n     cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: store             at  house the corn    

Late afternoon, he had finished picking the corn, he carried it there to the house because he put the corn there in the house.

Late afternoon after finishing picking the corn, he carried it to the house because he stored the corn there in the house.

"pig-uyan"="in-uyan". As the next sentence shows, the house mentioned was there at Lobong.

MU163001 005

   Spoken: Taman     te  maapun         e,   mig-uli                sikandin kayi te  
   Formal: Taman     te  maapun         e    mig-uli                sikandin kayi te  
 Phonemic: taman     te  mahapun        ­e   mig­uli­               sikandin kai  te  
  Lexemes: taman     te  mA1-=hapun     ­e   mig- =­uli­            sikandin kai  te  
  Lex POS: adv       cmk aff =n_rt      part v_aff=v_rt             pron     dem  cmk 
Lex Gloss: until     NF  ADJR=afternoon COMP P    =return_home/heal 3s_F     here NF  
 Word POS: ?         cmk n              part v                      pron     dem  cmk 
Wrd Gloss: as_far_as -   afternoon      COMP returned_home          he       here to  

   Spoken: bariyu. 
   Formal: bariyu  
 Phonemic: badiu   
  Lexemes: badiu   
  Lex POS: n       
Lex Gloss: barrio  
 Word POS: n       
Wrd Gloss: village 

Since it was late afternoon, he returned here to the barrio.

Since it was already late afteroon, he returned here to the barrio.

MU163001 006

   Spoken: Mig-uli                kayi ne  migbubula         pad    te  alas    
   Formal: Mig-uli                kayi ne  migbubula         pad    te  alas    
 Phonemic: mig­uli­               kai  ne  migbubula         pad    te  ­alas   
  Lexemes: mig- =­uli­            kai  ne  mig- =rdpCV-=bula pad    te  ­alas   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt             dem  lnk v_aff=***   =n_rt part   cmk ?       
Lex Gloss: P    =return_home/heal here LNK P    =***   =ball INCOMP NF  o'clock 
 Word POS: v                      dem  lnk v                 part   cmk ?       
Wrd Gloss: returned_home          here -   played_ball       still  at  o'clock 

   Spoken: singku ka  aldew   kahit      Biseye.   
   Formal: singku ka  aldew   kahi   te  Biseye    
 Phonemic: si¥ku  ka2 ­aldew  kagi  #te  Biseye­   
  Lexemes: si¥ku  ka2 ­aldew  kagi  #te  Biseye­   
  Lex POS: num    cmk n       v_rt  #cmk n         
Lex Gloss: five   F   sun/day speak #NF  Visayan   
 Word POS: num    cmk n       v     #cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: five   the day     gossip#by  lowlander 

He returned home and played ball here at five o'clock at the Visayans say.

The he played ball here at five o'clock (as the Visayans say).

MU163001 007

   Spoken: Emun    Matigsalug               ne  migdantey                      ka  
   Formal: Emun    Matigsalug               ne  migdantey                      ka  
 Phonemic: ­emun   Matigsalug               ne  migdantey                      ka2 
  Lexemes: ­emun   Matigsalug               ne  mig- =dantey                   ka2 
  Lex POS: conj    prop_n                   lnk v_aff=v_rt                     cmk 
Lex Gloss: if/when those_by_the_Salug_river LNK P    =rest_above_western_hills F   
 Word POS: conj    prop_n                   lnk v                              cmk 
Wrd Gloss: if      Matigsalug               -   rested_above_western_mountains the 

   Spoken: aldew   seeye      te  bubungan. 
   Formal: aldew   seeye      te  bubungan  
 Phonemic: ­aldew  se­eye­    te  bubu¥an   
  Lexemes: ­aldew  se­eye­    te  bubu¥an   
  Lex POS: n       dem        cmk n         
Lex Gloss: sun/day that_there NF  mountain  
 Word POS: n       dem        cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: sun     there      at  hill      

If Matigsalug, the sun was above those western hills.

In Matigsalug we would say the sun was above those western hills.

MU163001 008

   Spoken: Migtakas        seg bubula,           migpinpinnuu          e    
   Formal: Migtakas        se  egbubula          migpinpinnuu          e    
 Phonemic: migtakas        se  ­egbubula         migpinpinnu­u         ­e   
  Lexemes: mig- =takas     se  ­eg- =rdpCV-=bula mig- =rdpCVC-=pinnu­u ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt      cmk v_aff=***   =n_rt v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt    part 
Lex Gloss: P    =exit_room F   NP   =***   =ball P    =INT    =sit     COMP 
 Word POS: v               cmk v                 v                     part 
Wrd Gloss: stop            the play_bula         sat_down              COMP 

   Spoken: su         rueng    kun        masakit            neg geramen           
   Formal: su         duen     kun        masakit            ne  eggeramen         
 Phonemic: su         du­en    kun        masakit            ne  ­eggedamen        
  Lexemes: su         du­e2=-N kun        mA1-=sakit         ne  ­eg- =gedam=-en   
  Lex POS: conj       pron =– adt        aff =n             lnk v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: because/so there=– it_is_said ADJR=pain/sickness LNK NP   =test =ObF   
 Word POS: conj       dem      adt        adj                lnk v                 
Wrd Gloss: because    there    quotative  sore               -   feel              

   Spoken: din       diye  te  getek   din.      
   Formal: din       diye  te  getek   din       
 Phonemic: din       die­  te  getek   din       
  Lexemes: din       die­  te  getek   din       
  Lex POS: pron      dem   cmk n       pron      
Lex Gloss: 3s_NF(II) there NF  belly   3s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: pron      dem   cmk n       pron      
Wrd Gloss: he        there in  abdomen his       

He stopped playing ball, he sat down because there was, it is said, pain that he felt there in his stomach.

He stopped playing ball and sat down because he felt pain in his stomach.

MU163001 009

   Spoken: Pegkasagkup         impamaneyik     e    riyet     baley. 
   Formal: Pegkasagkup         impamaneyik     e    riye  te  baley  
 Phonemic: pegkasagkup         ­impamaneik     ­e   die­ #te  baley  
  Lexemes: peg- =kA1- =sagkup  ­iN-  =pamaneik ­e   die­ #te  baley  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    v_aff =v_rt     part dem  #cmk n      
Lex Gloss: NMR  =INVOL=to_dusk P_AccF=ascend   COMP there#NF  house  
 Word POS: v                   v               part dem  #cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: having_dusked       climbed_up      COMP there#in  house  

Having dusked, he climbed up there into the house.

After dusk, he went up into the house.

MU163001 010

   Spoken: Nekeuma            riye  te  lasud te  baley, migbebelat          
   Formal: Nekeuma            riye  te  lasud te  baley  migbebelat          
 Phonemic: neke­uma           die­  te  lasud te  baley  migbebelat          
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­uma   die­  te  lasud te  baley  mig- =rdpCV-=belat  
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   dem   cmk v_rt  cmk n      v_aff=***   =v_rt   
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=arrive there NF  enter NF  house  P    =***   =unroll 
 Word POS: v                  dem   cmk v     cmk n      v                   
Wrd Gloss: arrived            there -   enter of  house  unrolled            

   Spoken: miggibat.      
   Formal: miggibat       
 Phonemic: mighibat       
  Lexemes: mig- =hibat    
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: P    =lie_down 
 Word POS: v              
Wrd Gloss: lay_down       

Having arrived there at the inside of the house, he unrolled his mat and lay down.

Inside the house, he unrolled his mat and lay down.

MU163001 011

   Spoken: Ne  egkalihet            e    ne  egpakabalbalikid              si         
   Formal: Ne  egkalihet            e    ne  egpakabalbalikid              si         
 Phonemic: ne  ­egkaliget           ­e   ne  ­egpakabalbalikid             si         
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =kA1- =liget    ­e   ne  ­eg- =pAkA-=rdpCVC-=balikid   si         
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     part lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt      cmk        
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =INVOL=continue COMP LNK NP   =INVOL=INT    =turn_over F_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: lnk v                    part lnk v                             cmk        
Wrd Gloss: -   continue             COMP -   turned_over_and_over          -          

   Spoken: Ilayew. 
   Formal: Ilayew  
 Phonemic: ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: prop_n  
Lex Gloss: Ilayew  
 Word POS: prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: Ilayew  

Ilayew continued to turn over and over.

Ilayew continued to turn over and over.

MU163001 012

   Spoken: Su         kene  din       egkatehel         se  masakit.           
   Formal: su         kene  din       egkatehel         se  masakit            
 Phonemic: su         kene­ din       ­egkategel        se  masakit            
  Lexemes: su         kene­ din       ­eg- =kA1- =tegel se  mA1-=sakit         
  Lex POS: conj       adv   pron      v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  cmk aff =n             
Lex Gloss: because/so not   3s_NF(II) NP   =INVOL=force F   ADJR=pain/sickness 
 Word POS: conj       neg   pron      v                 cmk adj                
Wrd Gloss: because    not   he        endure            the sore               

Because he wasn't able to endure the pain.

Because he wasn't able to endure the pain.

MU163001 013

   Spoken: Ne  dakel    ne  igkeinu-inu                 ney        te  etew   
   Formal: Ne  dakel    ne  igkeinu-inu                 ney        te  etew   
 Phonemic: ne  dakel    ne  ­igke­inu­inu               ney        te  ­etew  
  Lexemes: ne  dakel    ne  ­ig-   =kA1- =rdpRT-=­inu   ney        te  ­etew  
  Lex POS: lnk adj      lnk v_aff  =v_aff=v_aff =v_rt   pron       cmk n      
Lex Gloss: LNK big/many LNK NP_AccF=INVOL=INT   =marvel 1pe_NF(II) NF  person 
 Word POS: lnk adj      lnk v                           pron       cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: -   big      -   wonder                      we(excl)   -   people 

   Spoken: su         ma       teg deralu            te  ware  ney        ma   
   Formal: su         ma       te  egderalu          te  ware  ney        ma   
 Phonemic: su         ma­      te  ­egdedalu         te  wade­ ney        ma   
  Lexemes: su         mani­a   te  ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu te  wade­ ney        ma   
  Lex POS: conj       ques     cmk v_aff=***   =n    cmk adv   pron       part 
Lex Gloss: because/so why      NF  NP   =***   =sick NF  no    1pe_NF(II) DIM  
 Word POS: conj       int_pron cmk v                 cmk adv   pron       part 
Wrd Gloss: because    why      -   be_ill            -   not   we(excl)   DIM  

   Spoken: natueni              ne  egderalu          si         Ilayew. 
   Formal: natueni              ne  egderalu          si         Ilayew  
 Phonemic: natu­eni             ne  ­egdedalu         si         ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: nA-  =tu­en=-i       ne  ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu si         ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt =v_aff    lnk v_aff=***   =n    cmk        prop_n  
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=know =UnA_LocF LNK NP   =***   =sick F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  
 Word POS: v                    lnk v                 cmk        prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: knew                 -   be_ill            -          Ilayew  

And we the people were very amazed because why was Ilayew sick and we didn't even know.

And we the people were very amazed because how come Ilayew was sick and we didn't even know.

MU163001 014

   Spoken: Su         manekal     ma   te  migligkat    te  maselem    
   Formal: su         manekal     ma   te  migligkat    te  maselem    
 Phonemic: su         manekal     ma   te  migligkat    te  maselem    
  Lexemes: su         mA1-=nekal  ma   te  mig- =ligkat te  mA1-=selem 
  Lex POS: conj       aff =adj_rt part cmk v_aff=v_rt   cmk aff =v_rt  
Lex Gloss: because/so ADJR=strong DIM  NF  P    =source NF  ADJR=early 
 Word POS: conj       adj         part cmk v            cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: because    strong      DIM  -   came_from    in  morning    

   Spoken: miggendiyet        Lebeng seg abat        te  aheley, 
   Formal: miggendiye     te  Lebeng se  eg-abat     te  aheley  
 Phonemic: mighendie­    #te  Lebe¥  se  ­eg­abat    te  ­ageley 
  Lexemes: mig- =hendie­ #te  Lebe¥  se  ­eg- =­abat te  ­ageley 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    #cmk v_rt   cmk v_aff=v_rt  cmk n       
Lex Gloss: P    =go_there#NF  bury   F   NP   =pick  NF  corn    
 Word POS: v             #cmk n      cmk v           cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: went_there    #to  Lebeng the pick_corn   -   corn    

   Spoken: mig-uli                ma       teg deralu            e.   
   Formal: mig-uli                ma       te  egderalu          e    
 Phonemic: mig­uli­               ma­      te  ­egdedalu         ­e   
  Lexemes: mig- =­uli­            mani­a   te  ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt             ques     cmk v_aff=***   =n    part 
Lex Gloss: P    =return_home/heal why      NF  NP   =***   =sick COMP 
 Word POS: v                      int_pron cmk v                 part 
Wrd Gloss: returned_home          why      -   be_ill            COMP 

Because he was strong when he started in the morning to go there to Lobong to pick corn so why was he sick.

Because he was strong when he started off in the morning to go to Lobong so how come he was sick.

MU163001 015

   Spoken: Ne  iyan keddi      ne  inlalag      ki               Besinti, "Nekey-a    
   Formal: Ne  iyan keddi      ne  inlalag      ki               Besinti  Nekey-a     
 Phonemic: ne  ­ian keddi­     ne  ­inlalag     ki2              Besinti  nekey­a     
  Lexemes: ne  ­ian keddi­     ne  ­iN-  =lalag ki2              Besinti  nekey=-­a   
  Lex POS: lnk dem  pron       lnk v_aff =v_rt  cmk              prop_n   pron =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: LNK that 1s_NF(III) LNK P_AccF=say   NF(III)_PERS(sg) Besinti  what =QUES  
 Word POS: lnk dem  poss_pron  lnk v            cmk              prop_n   pron        
Wrd Gloss: -   that my         -   spoke        to               Vicente  what        

   Spoken: se  isip    niyu      te  mania  te  wa    kew     migpandinehan           
   Formal: se  isip    niyu      te  mania  te  wa    kew     migpandinehan           
 Phonemic: se  ­isip   niu       te  mani­a te  wa­   kew     migpandinegan           
  Lexemes: se  ­isip   niu       te  mani­a te  wade­ kew     mig- =paN- =dineg=-an   
  Lex POS: cmk v_rt    pron      cmk ques   cmk adv   pron    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: F   think   2p_NF(II) NF  why    NF  no    2p_F    P    =DISTR=hear =LocF  
 Word POS: cmk n       poss_pron cmk ?      cmk adv   pron    v                       
Wrd Gloss: the thought your(pl)  -   why    -   not   you(pl) heard                   

   Spoken: te  ruma      niyu      kayit    bariyu  teg deralu            ka  
   Formal: te  ruma      niyu      kayi te  bariyu  te  egderalu          ka  
 Phonemic: te  duma      niu       kai #te  badiu   te  ­egdedalu         ka2 
  Lexemes: te  duma      niu       kai #te  badiu   te  ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu ka2 
  Lex POS: cmk adj       pron      dem #cmk n       cmk v_aff=***   =n    cmk 
Lex Gloss: NF  other     2p_NF(II) here#NF  barrio  NF  NP   =***   =sick F   
 Word POS: cmk n         poss_pron dem  cmk n       cmk v                 cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   companion your(pl)  here at  village -   be_ill            the 

   Spoken: mekaamung  nun           si         Ilayew? 
   Formal: mekaamung  nu        ne  si         Ilayew  
 Phonemic: meka­amu¥  nu       #ne  si         ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: meka­amu¥  nu       #ne  si         ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: n          pron     #lnk cmk        prop_n  
Lex Gloss: son-in-law 2s_NF(II)#LNK F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  
 Word POS: n          poss_pron#lnk cmk        prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: son-in-law your(sg) #-   -          Ilayew  

Now what I said to Vicente was, "What was your thought that you didn't let your companions here in the barrio hear that your son-in-law Ilayew was sick?

Now what I said to Vicente was, "What were you thinking that you didn't let your companions here in the barrio know that your son-in-law Ilayew was sick?

MU163001 016

   Spoken: Maniat     wa    kew     mignangen   kanami      te  me     ruma      
   Formal: mania  te  wa    kew     mignangen   kanami      te  me     ruma      
 Phonemic: mani­a#te  wa­   kew     migna¥en    kanami      te  me1    duma      
  Lexemes: mani­a#te  wade­ kew     mig- =na¥en kanami      te  me1    duma      
  Lex POS: ques  #cmk adv   pron    v_aff=v_rt  pron        cmk adt    adj       
Lex Gloss: why   #NF  no    2p_F    P    =tell  1pe_NF(III) NF  PLURAL other     
 Word POS: ?     #cmk adv   pron    v           pron        cmk adt    n         
Wrd Gloss: why   #-   not   you(pl) informed    we(excl)    -   -      companion 

   Spoken: nu?       
   Formal: nu        
 Phonemic: nu        
  Lexemes: nu        
  Lex POS: pron      
Lex Gloss: 2s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: your(sg)  

Why didn't you inform us your companions?

Why didn't you inform us your companions?

MU163001 017

   Spoken: Su         emun    mignangeng  kew     perem    ne  
   Formal: su         emun    mignangen   kew     perem    ne  
 Phonemic: su         ­emun   migna¥en    kew     pedem    ne  
  Lexemes: su         ­emun   mig- =na¥en kew     pedem    ne  
  Lex POS: conj       conj    v_aff=v_rt  pron    part     lnk 
Lex Gloss: because/so if/when P    =tell  2p_F    good_but LNK 
 Word POS: conj       conj    v           pron    part     lnk 
Wrd Gloss: because    if      informed    you(pl) wish     -   

   Spoken: nakapamitew             ki       te  bawi     ne  igbawi              
   Formal: nakapamitew             ki       te  bawi     ne  igbawi              
 Phonemic: nakapamitew             ki1      te  bawi­    ne  ­igbawi­            
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =paN- =pitew ki1      te  bawi­    ne  ­ig-   =bawi­       
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_aff=v_rt  pron     cmk n        lnk v_aff  =n           
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=DISTR=look  1pi_F    NF  medicine LNK NP_AccF=medicine    
 Word POS: v                       pron     cmk n        lnk v                   
Wrd Gloss: able_to_look_for        we(incl) -   medicine -   administer_medicine 

   Spoken: dutu  te  getek   ni              Ilayew  ke   nekey ka  inggeram     
   Formal: dutu  te  getek   ni              Ilayew  ke   nekey ka  inggeram     
 Phonemic: dutu  te  getek   ni              ­Ilayew ke   nekey ka2 ­i¥gedam     
  Lexemes: dutu  te  getek   ni              ­Ilayew ke   nekey ka2 ­iN-  =gedam 
  Lex POS: dem   cmk n       cmk             prop_n  conj pron  cmk v_aff =v_rt  
Lex Gloss: there NF  belly   NF(II)_PERS(sg) Ilayew  if   what  F   P_AccF=test  
 Word POS: dem   cmk n       cmk             prop_n  conj pron  cmk v            
Wrd Gloss: there -   abdomen of              Ilayew  if   what  the felt         

   Spoken: din.      
   Formal: din       
 Phonemic: din       
  Lexemes: din       
  Lex POS: pron      
Lex Gloss: 3s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: pron      
Wrd Gloss: he        

Because if you(pl) had told (us), we could have looked for medicine to apply there to Ilayew's stomach whatever it was that he felt.

Because if you had told us, we could have found medicine for whatever it was that Ilayew felt and apply it to his stomach.

The application to his stomach implies that it was a traditional herbal remedy that Umising had in mind.

MU163001 018

   Spoken: Ke   ralu     neg kabawian                   te         ma   su         
   Formal: Ke   ralu     ne  egkabawian                 te         ma   su         
 Phonemic: ke   dalu     ne  ­egkabawi­an               te         ma   su         
  Lexemes: ke   dalu     ne  ­eg- =kA1- =bawi­   =-an   ta         ma   su         
  Lex POS: conj n        lnk v_aff=v_aff=n       =v_aff pron       part conj       
Lex Gloss: if   sick     LNK NP   =INVOL=medicine=LocF  1pi_NF(II) DIM  because/so 
 Word POS: conj n        lnk v                          pron       part conj       
Wrd Gloss: if   sickness -   apply_medicine             we(incl)   DIM  because    

   Spoken: ruem        ma   impanulut          me     buyag      ne  
   Formal: ruen        ma   impanulu       te  me     buyag      ne  
 Phonemic: du­en       ma   ­impanulu­    #te  me1    buyag      ne  
  Lexemes: du­e1   =-N ma   ­iN-  =panulu­#te  me1    buyag      ne  
  Lex POS: psd_v   =– part v_aff =v_rt   #cmk adt    adj        lnk 
Lex Gloss: there_is=– DIM  P_AccF=teach  #NF  PLURAL elderly    LNK 
 Word POS: psd_v       part v             #cmk adt    n          lnk 
Wrd Gloss: there_is    DIM  taught        #by  -      old_people -   

   Spoken: kinetey                        ne  me     sagbet. 
   Formal: kinetey                        ne  me     sagbet  
 Phonemic: kinetey                        ne  me1    sagbet  
  Lexemes: <in>-    =ketey                ne  me1    sagbet  
  Lex POS: v_aff    =n                    lnk adt    n       
Lex Gloss: RESULTANT=traditional_medicine LNK PLURAL weed    
 Word POS: n                              lnk adt    n       
Wrd Gloss: herbal_medicine                -   -      grass   

If it is sickness, we will apply medicine because there was taught (to us) by the elders herbal medicine (made) from grasses.

If it is sickness, we will apply medicine because the elders taught how to make herbal medicines from grasses.

MU163001 019

   Spoken: Neg kaayun               ne  eg-angayen        ta         ke   rue      
   Formal: ne  egkaayun             ne  eg-angayen        ta         ke   rue      
 Phonemic: ne  ­egka­ayun           ne  ­eg­a¥ayen        ta         ke   du­e1    
  Lexemes: ne  ­eg- =kA1- =­ayun    ne  ­eg- =­a¥ey=-en   ta         ke   du­e1    
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     lnk v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron       conj psd_v    
Lex Gloss: LNK NP   =INVOL=possible LNK NP   =bring=ObF   1pi_NF(II) if   there_is 
 Word POS: lnk v                    lnk v                 pron       conj psd_v    
Wrd Gloss: -   possible             -   carry             we(incl)   if   there_is 

   Spoken: masakit            te  hetek   ta,        keg  indes          ki,      ne  
   Formal: masakit            te  hetek   ta         ke   eg-indes       ki       ne  
 Phonemic: masakit            te  getek   ta         ke   ­eg­indes      ki1      ne  
  Lexemes: mA1-=sakit         te  getek   ta         ke   ­eg- =­indes   ki1      ne  
  Lex POS: aff =n             cmk n       pron       conj v_aff=v_rt     pron     lnk 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=pain/sickness NF  belly   1pi_NF(II) if   NP   =defecate 1pi_F    LNK 
 Word POS: adj                cmk n       poss_pron  conj v              pron     lnk 
Wrd Gloss: sore               in  abdomen our(incl)  if   defecate       we(incl) -   

   Spoken: ruem        ma   bawi     due.  
   Formal: ruen        ma   bawi     due   
 Phonemic: du­en       ma   bawi­    du­e2 
  Lexemes: du­e1   =-N ma   bawi­    du­e2 
  Lex POS: psd_v   =– part n        pron  
Lex Gloss: there_is=– DIM  medicine there 
 Word POS: psd_v       part n        pron  
Wrd Gloss: there_is    DIM  medicine there 

And it's possible for us to bring it if there is pain in our stomachs, if we defecate (have diarrhea) then there is medicine there.

And we can get the medicine if we have pain in our stomachs, and if we have diarrhea there is medicine.

Usually "eg-indes" means to defecate, "eg-iindes" means to have diarrhea.

MU163001 020

   Spoken: Neg buweeng     ki       neg pamitew     ki       ma   te  bawi."   
   Formal: ne  buween      ki       ne  pamitew     ki       ma   te  bawi     
 Phonemic: ne  bue­en      ki1      ne  pamitew     ki1      ma   te  bawi­    
  Lexemes: ne  bue­ =-en   ki1      ne  paN- =pitew ki1      ma   te  bawi­    
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt =v_aff pron     lnk v_aff=v_rt  pron     part cmk n        
Lex Gloss: LNK cough=ObF   1pi_F    LNK DISTR=look  1pi_F    DIM  NF  medicine 
 Word POS: lnk v           pron     lnk v           pron     part cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: -   cough       we(incl) -   look_for    we(incl) DIM  -   medicine 

And if we are coughing, we look for the medicine.

And if we have a cough, we find the medicine.

MU163001 021

   Spoken: Kahi  te  keddin         lalag. 
   Formal: Kahi  te  keddi      ne  lalag  
 Phonemic: kagi  te  keddi­    #ne  lalag  
  Lexemes: kagi  te  keddi­    #ne  lalag  
  Lex POS: v_rt  cmk pron      #lnk v_rt   
Lex Gloss: speak NF  1s_NF(III)#LNK say    
 Word POS: v     cmk poss_pron #lnk n      
Wrd Gloss: say   -   my        #-   speech 

Said my speech.

That's what I said.

MU163001 022

   Spoken: Ne  ware  ma   migdinehan        si         Besinti wey  ka  asawa  te  
   Formal: Ne  ware  ma   migdinehan        si         Besinti wey  ka  asawa  te  
 Phonemic: ne  wade­ ma   migdinegan        si         Besinti wey  ka2 ­asawa te  
  Lexemes: ne  wade­ ma   mig- =dineg=-an   si         Besinti wey  ka2 ­asawa te  
  Lex POS: lnk adv   part v_aff=v_rt =v_aff cmk        prop_n  conj cmk n      cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK no    DIM  P    =hear =LocF  F_PERS(sg) Besinti and  F   spouse NF  
 Word POS: lnk adv   part v                 cmk        prop_n  conj cmk n      cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   not   DIM  heard             -          Vicente and  the wife   of  

   Spoken: mekaamung  din       ne  migderalu             te  marusilem.   
   Formal: mekaamung  din       ne  migderalu             te  marusilem    
 Phonemic: meka­amu¥  din       ne  migdedalu             te  madusilem    
  Lexemes: meka­amu¥  din       ne  mig- =rdpCV-=dalu     te  mA1-=dusilem 
  Lex POS: n          pron      lnk v_aff=***   =n        cmk aff =n_rt    
Lex Gloss: son-in-law 3s_NF(II) LNK P    =***   =sickness NF  ADJR=night   
 Word POS: n          pron      lnk v                     cmk n            
Wrd Gloss: son-in-law his       -   was_ill               in  night        

Vicente and the spouse of his son-in-law did not make heard that he was ill in the night.

Vicente and the wife of his son-in-law did not make it known that (Ilayew) was ill in the night.

MU163001 023

   Spoken: Ne  malehet     seeye      ne  pegderalu             rin       su         
   Formal: Ne  malehet     seeye      ne  pegderalu             rin       su         
 Phonemic: ne  maleget     se­eye­    ne  pegdedalu             din       su         
  Lexemes: ne  mA1-=leget  se­eye­    ne  peg- =rdpCV-=dalu     din       su         
  Lex POS: lnk aff =adj_rt dem        lnk v_aff=***   =n        pron      conj       
Lex Gloss: LNK ADJR=true   that_there LNK NMR  =***   =sickness 3s_NF(II) because/so 
 Word POS: lnk adj         dem        lnk n                     pron      conj       
Wrd Gloss: -   correct     there      -   sickness              his       because    

   Spoken: ware  katahaan     ney        te  sikanami. 
   Formal: ware  katahaan     ney        te  sikanami  
 Phonemic: wade­ katagaan     ney        te  sikanami  
  Lexemes: wade­ kA><an-=taga ney        te  sikanami  
  Lex POS: adv   v_aff  =v_rt pron       cmk pron      
Lex Gloss: no    NOM    =tell 1pe_NF(II) NF  1pe_TOPIC 
 Word POS: adv   n            pron       cmk pron      
Wrd Gloss: not   knowledge    ours(excl) -   we(excl)  

And his sickness there was true because we had no knowledge (of it).

And he was truly sick because didn't know about it.

Could "su" "because" be translated "but"? If "because" is correct, the implication is that Ilayew would have got better if Datu Umising had known about it, because he could have applied his healing powers.

MU163001 024

   Spoken: Se  langun te  baley kayi te  Panganan ware  nakanengneng.               
   Formal: Se  langun te  baley kayi te  Panganan ware  nakanengneng                
 Phonemic: se  la¥un  te  baley kai  te  Pa¥anan  wade­ nakane¥ne¥                  
  Lexemes: se  la¥un  te  baley kai  te  Pa¥anan  wade­ nAkA-      =ne¥ne¥          
  Lex POS: cmk adj    cmk n     dem  cmk prop_n   adv   v_aff      =v_rt            
Lex Gloss: F   all    NF  house here NF  Panganan no    P_INVOL_AgF=know/understand 
 Word POS: cmk adj    cmk n     dem  cmk prop_n   adv   v                           
Wrd Gloss: the all    of  house here at  Panganan not   knew                        

All the houses here at Panganan didn't know.

None of the houses here at Panganan knew.

"house" is used here to mean "household".

MU163001 025

   Spoken: Si         Besinti re   iya  se  alunggun       wey  ka  me     anak     
   Formal: Si         Besinti re   iya  se  alunggun       wey  ka  me     anak     
 Phonemic: si         Besinti de­  ­ia  se  ­alu¥gun       wey  ka2 me1    ­anak    
  Lexemes: si         Besinti de­  ­ia  se  ­alu¥gun       wey  ka2 me1    ­anak    
  Lex POS: cmk        prop_n  part part cmk n              conj cmk adt    n        
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(sg) Besinti only that F   married_couple and  F   PLURAL child    
 Word POS: cmk        prop_n  part part cmk n              conj cmk adt    n        
Wrd Gloss: -          Vicente just that the married_couple and  the -      children 

   Spoken: ka  nakanengneng                ki               Ilayew  teg 
   Formal: ka  nakanengneng                ki               Ilayew  te  
 Phonemic: ka2 nakane¥ne¥                  ki2              ­Ilayew te  
  Lexemes: ka2 nAkA-      =ne¥ne¥          ki2              ­Ilayew te  
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff      =v_rt            cmk              prop_n  cmk 
Lex Gloss: F   P_INVOL_AgF=know/understand NF(III)_PERS(sg) Ilayew  NF  
 Word POS: cmk v                           cmk              prop_n  cmk 
Wrd Gloss: the knew                        -                Ilayew  -   

   Spoken: deralu                su         ruem     ma   iya  te  baley ran.      
   Formal: egderalu              su         ruen     ma   iya  te  baley ran       
 Phonemic: ­egdedalu             su         du­en    ma   ­ia  te  baley dan       
  Lexemes: ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu     su         du­e2=-N ma   ­ia  te  baley dan       
  Lex POS: v_aff=***   =n        conj       pron =– part part cmk n     pron      
Lex Gloss: NP   =***   =sickness because/so there=– DIM  that NF  house 3p_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                     conj       dem      part part cmk n     pron      
Wrd Gloss: be_ill                because    there    DIM  that at  house their     

The Vicente couple and his children were the ones who knew about Ilyaew because he was there at their house.

Vicente and his wife and children were the (only) ones who knew about Ilayew because Ilayew was there in their house.

MU163001 026

   Spoken: Ne  seeye      se  keddi      ne  igguhud.           
   Formal: Ne  seeye      se  keddi      ne  igguhud            
 Phonemic: ne  se­eye­    se  keddi­     ne  ­iggugud           
  Lexemes: ne  se­eye­    se  keddi­     ne  ­ig-   =gugud      
  Lex POS: lnk dem        cmk pron       lnk v_aff  =v_rt       
Lex Gloss: LNK that_there F   1s_NF(III) LNK NP_AccF=tell_story 
 Word POS: lnk dem        cmk pron       lnk v                  
Wrd Gloss: -   there      the my         -   will_tell          

So that is what I will tell.

So that's what I'll tell.

MU163001 027

   Spoken: Ne  maapun         na          miggeram    taman     te  naliwaswas     
   Formal: Ne  maapun         na          miggeram    taman     te  naliwaswas     
 Phonemic: ne  mahapun        na          miggedam    taman     te  naliwaswas     
  Lexemes: ne  mA1-=hapun     na          mig- =gedam taman     te  nA-  =liwaswas 
  Lex POS: lnk aff =n_rt      conj        v_aff=v_rt  adv       cmk v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: LNK ADJR=afternoon exclamation P    =test  until     NF  P_ObF=dawn     
 Word POS: lnk n              conj        v           adv       cmk v              
Wrd Gloss: -   afternoon      so          felt        as_far_as -   dawned         

   Spoken: te  alas    tris  se  aldew   nabigtawan         e    - napatey     e    
   Formal: te  alas    tris  se  aldew   nabigtawan         e    - napatey     e    
 Phonemic: te  ­alas   tris  se  ­aldew  nabigtawan         ­e   - napatey     ­e   
  Lexemes: te  ­alas   tris  se  ­aldew  nA-  =bigtew=-an   ­e   - nA-  =patey ­e   
  Lex POS: cmk ?       num   cmk n       v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff part - v_aff=v_rt  part 
Lex Gloss: NF  o'clock three F   sun/day P_ObF=broken=LocF  COMP - P_ObF=die   COMP 
 Word POS: cmk ?       num   cmk n       v                  part - v           part 
Wrd Gloss: at  o'clock three the sun     breathless         COMP - died        COMP 

   Spoken: si         Ilayew. 
   Formal: si         Ilayew  
 Phonemic: si         ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: si         ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: cmk        prop_n  
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  
 Word POS: cmk        prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: -          Ilayew  

It was afternoon that he felt it until he was breathless when it dawned at three o'clock the next morning - Ilayew died.

He felt sick in the afternoon until his breath stopped at dawn at 3:00am - Ilayew died.

Datu Umising does not wear a watch - 3:00am is an estimate.

MU163001 028

   Spoken: Ne  wara  a    nakanengneng                kayi te  napatey     e    
   Formal: Ne  wara  a    nakanengneng                kayi te  napatey     e    
 Phonemic: ne  wade­ ­a   nakane¥ne¥                  kai  te  napatey     ­e   
  Lexemes: ne  wade­ ­a   nAkA-      =ne¥ne¥          kai  te  nA-  =patey ­e   
  Lex POS: lnk adv   pron v_aff      =v_rt            dem  cmk v_aff=v_rt  part 
Lex Gloss: LNK no    1s_F P_INVOL_AgF=know/understand here NF  P_ObF=die   COMP 
 Word POS: lnk adv   pron v                           dem  cmk v           part 
Wrd Gloss: -   not   I    knew                        here -   died        COMP 

   Spoken: su         wara  a    kayi baley ku        su         riya  at       
   Formal: su         wara  a    kayi baley ku        su         riya  a    te  
 Phonemic: su         wade­ ­a   kai  baley ku        su         die­  ­a  #te  
  Lexemes: su         wade­ ­a   kai  baley ku        su         die­  ­a  #te  
  Lex POS: conj       adv   pron dem  n     pron      conj       dem   pron#cmk 
Lex Gloss: because/so no    1s_F here house 1s_NF(II) because/so there 1s_F#NF  
 Word POS: conj       adv   pron dem  n     poss_pron conj       dem   pron#cmk 
Wrd Gloss: because    not   I    here house my        because    there I   #-   

   Spoken: dirayat           Panganan sug        abat        at       aheley. 
   Formal: diraya        te  Panganan su         eg-abat     a    te  aheley  
 Phonemic: didaya       #te  Pa¥anan  su         ­eg­abat    ­a  #te  ­ageley 
  Lexemes: di-  =daya   #te  Pa¥anan  su         ­eg- =­abat ­a  #te  ­ageley 
  Lex POS: v_aff=prep_rt#cmk prop_n   conj       v_aff=v_rt  pron#cmk n       
Lex Gloss: POS  =upriver#NF  Panganan because/so NP   =pick  1s_F#NF  corn    
 Word POS: n            #cmk prop_n   conj       v           pron#cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: upstream     #-   Panganan because    pick_corn   I   #-   corn    

I didn't know that he died here because I was not here at my house because I was there up the Panganan (stream) because I was picking corn.

I didn't know that he had died here because I wasn't here at my house because I was picking corn (in my field) up the Panganan (stream).

MU163001 029

   Spoken: Di,            iyan e    ka  nengnengang           ku        ne  
   Formal: Di             iyan e    ka  nengnengan            ku        ne  
 Phonemic: di­            ­ian ­e   ka2 ne¥ne¥an              ku        ne  
  Lexemes: di­            ­ian ­e   ka2 ne¥ne¥         =-an   ku        ne  
  Lex POS: conj           dem  part cmk v_rt           =v_aff pron      lnk 
Lex Gloss: but/as_long_as that COMP F   know/understand=LocF  1s_NF(II) LNK 
 Word POS: conj           dem  part cmk v                     pron      lnk 
Wrd Gloss: but            that COMP the inform                me        -   

   Spoken: si         Minandang su         insuhut          amey   te  kahi, 
   Formal: si         Minandang su         insuhu       te  amey   te  kahi  
 Phonemic: si         minanda¥  su         ­insugu­    #te  ­amey  te  kagi  
  Lexemes: si         minanda¥  su         ­iN-  =sugu­#te  ­amey  te  kagi  
  Lex POS: cmk        prop_n    conj       v_aff =v_rt #cmk n      cmk v_rt  
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(sg) Minandang because/so P_AccF=order#NF  father NF  speak 
 Word POS: cmk        prop_n    conj       v           #cmk n      cmk v     
Wrd Gloss: -          Minandang because    commanded   #by  father -   say   

   Spoken: "Angayam    pa      ka  anggam nu        riye  neg abat        te  aheley. 
   Formal: angayan     pa      ka  anggam nu        riye  ne  eg-abat     te  aheley  
 Phonemic: ­a¥ayan     pa      ka2 ­a¥gam nu        die­  ne  ­eg­abat    te  ­ageley 
  Lexemes: ­a¥ey=-an   pa      ka2 ­a¥gam nu        die­  ne  ­eg- =­abat te  ­ageley 
  Lex POS: v_rt =v_aff adt     cmk n      pron      dem   lnk v_aff=v_rt  cmk n       
Lex Gloss: bring=LocF  INCOMPL F   uncle  2s_NF(II) there LNK NP   =pick  NF  corn    
 Word POS: v           adt     cmk n      poss_pron dem   lnk v           cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: fetch       still   the uncle  your(sg)  there -   pick_corn   -   corn    

But, the one who informed me was Minandang, because he was ordered by his father who said, "Fetch your uncle who is there picking corn.

But the one who informed me was Minandang because his father told him, "Go and get your uncle who is there picking corn.

Minandang is the son (15 years) of Datu Umising's older brother.

MU163001 030

   Spoken: Peuli                  nu        rini     su         migpatey    e    ka  
   Formal: Peuli                  nu        rini     su         migpatey    e    ka  
 Phonemic: pe­uli­                nu        dini     su         migpatey    ­e   ka2 
  Lexemes: pA-  =­uli­            nu        dini     su         mig- =patey ­e   ka2 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt             pron      loc_pron conj       v_aff=v_rt  part cmk 
Lex Gloss: CAUS =return_home/heal 2s_NF(II) here     because/so P    =die   COMP F   
 Word POS: v                      pron      loc_pron conj       v           part cmk 
Wrd Gloss: cause_to_return_home   you(sg)   here     because    died        COMP the 

   Spoken: mekaamung  ni              Mehes  te  seini  ne  uras  te  alas    tris  
   Formal: mekaamung  ni              Mehes  te  seini  ne  uras  te  alas    tris  
 Phonemic: meka­amu¥  ni              meges  te  se­ini ne  ­udas te  ­alas   tris  
  Lexemes: meka­amu¥  ni              meges  te  se­ini ne  ­udas te  ­alas   tris  
  Lex POS: n          cmk             prop_n cmk pron   lnk n     cmk ?       num   
Lex Gloss: son-in-law NF(II)_PERS(sg) skinny NF  this   LNK hour  NF  o'clock three 
 Word POS: n          cmk             prop_n cmk pron   lnk n     cmk ?       num   
Wrd Gloss: son-in-law of              Mehes  at  this   -   time  of  o'clock three 

   Spoken: ka  aldew." 
   Formal: ka  aldew   
 Phonemic: ka2 ­aldew  
  Lexemes: ka2 ­aldew  
  Lex POS: cmk n       
Lex Gloss: F   sun/day 
 Word POS: cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: the day     

Bring him home here because the son-in-law of Mehes has died at this time of three o'clock the sun."

Bring him back here because the son-in-law of Mehes died at 3:00am."

Mehes is a nickname of Vicente which comes from "mahasŠ" which means "skinny" and refers to his physical stature.

MU163001 031

   Spoken: Ne  iyang ku        inlalag      se, "Mania teg patey       te  
   Formal: Ne  iyan  ku        inlalag      se  Mania  te  egpatey     te  
 Phonemic: ne  ­ian  ku        ­inlalag     se  mani­a te  ­egpatey    te  
  Lexemes: ne  ­ian  ku        ­iN-  =lalag se  mani­a te  ­eg- =patey te  
  Lex POS: lnk dem   pron      v_aff =v_rt  cmk ques   cmk v_aff=v_rt  cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK that  1s_NF(II) P_AccF=say   F   why    NF  NP   =die   NF  
 Word POS: lnk dem   pron      v            cmk ?      cmk v           cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   that  I         spoke        the why    -   die         -   

   Spoken: manekal     ma?" 
   Formal: manekal     ma   
 Phonemic: manekal     ma   
  Lexemes: mA1-=nekal  ma   
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt part 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=strong DIM  
 Word POS: adj         part 
Wrd Gloss: strong      DIM  

So what I said was why did he die when he was still strong.

So what I said was why did he die when he was still strong.

MU163001 032

   Spoken: Ne  kahin                 Minandang, "Egderalu             kum        ma   
   Formal: Ne  kahi  ni              Minandang  Egderalu              kun        ma   
 Phonemic: ne  kagi #ni              minanda¥   ­egdedalu             kun        ma   
  Lexemes: ne  kagi #ni              minanda¥   ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu     kun        ma   
  Lex POS: lnk v_rt #cmk             prop_n     v_aff=***   =n        adt        part 
Lex Gloss: LNK speak#NF(II)_PERS(sg) Minandang  NP   =***   =sickness it_is_said DIM  
 Word POS: lnk v    #cmk             prop_n     v                     adt        part 
Wrd Gloss: -   say  #by              Minandang  be_ill                quotative  DIM  

   Spoken: anggam gabii     te  marusilem."  
   Formal: anggam gabii     te  marusilem    
 Phonemic: ­a¥gam gabi­i    te  madusilem    
  Lexemes: ­a¥gam gabi­i    te  mA1-=dusilem 
  Lex POS: n      adv       cmk aff =n_rt    
Lex Gloss: uncle  yesterday NF  ADJR=night   
 Word POS: n      adv       cmk n            
Wrd Gloss: uncle  yesterday in  night        

So Mindandang said, "It's said he got sick, uncle, yesterday in the night."

So Mindandang said, "It's said he got sick last night, uncle."

MU163001 033

   Spoken: Ne  wa    ma   nakapannangen           si         Besinti. 
   Formal: Ne  wa    ma   nakapannangen           si         Besinti  
 Phonemic: ne  wa­   ma   nakapanna¥en            si         Besinti  
  Lexemes: ne  wade­ ma   nAkA-      =paN- =na¥en si         Besinti  
  Lex POS: lnk adv   part v_aff      =v_aff=v_rt  cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: LNK no    DIM  P_INVOL_AgF=DISTR=tell  F_PERS(sg) Besinti  
 Word POS: lnk adv   part v                       cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: -   none  DIM  able_to_tell_many       -          Vicente  

Vicente hadn't been able to tell everyone.

Vicente hadn't told everyone.

How many 'n's in nakapannangen? Is the nAkA- involuntary or causative?

MU163001 034

   Spoken: Ke    siak, "Ware aperu  ni              Besinti. 
   Formal: Ke    siak  Ware  aperu  ni              Besinti  
 Phonemic: kagi  si­ak wade­ ­apedu ni              Besinti  
  Lexemes: kagi  si­ak wade­ ­apedu ni              Besinti  
  Lex POS: v_rt  pron  adv   n      cmk             prop_n   
Lex Gloss: speak 1s(?) no    bile   NF(II)_PERS(sg) Besinti  
 Word POS: v     pron  adv   n      cmk             prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: say   I     no    bile   of              Vicente  

I said, "Vicente has no gall-bladder."

I said, "Vicente has no esteem (lit. has no gall-bladder)."

MU163001 035

   Spoken: Mat          ke  kig      nangenan          te  rueg     
   Formal: ma       te  ke  ki       egnangenan        te  due      
 Phonemic: ma­     #te  ke­ ki1      ­egna¥enan        te  du­e1    
  Lexemes: mani­a  #te  ke­ ki1      ­eg- =na¥en=-an   te  du­e1    
  Lex POS: ques    #cmk adv pron     v_aff=v_rt =v_aff cmk psd_v    
Lex Gloss: why     #NF  not 1pi_F    NP   =tell =LocF  NF  there_is 
 Word POS: int_pron#cmk adv pron     v                 cmk psd_v    
Wrd Gloss: why     #-   not we(incl) inform            -   there_is 

   Spoken: deralun                   mekaamung  din.      
   Formal: egderalu              ne  mekaamung  din       
 Phonemic: ­egdedalu            #ne  meka­amu¥  din       
  Lexemes: ­eg- =rdpCV-=dalu    #ne  meka­amu¥  din       
  Lex POS: v_aff=***   =n       #lnk n          pron      
Lex Gloss: NP   =***   =sickness#LNK son-in-law 3s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                    #lnk n          pron      
Wrd Gloss: be_ill               #-   son-in-law his       

Why didn't he tell us that his son-in-law was sick?

Why didn't he tell us that his son-in-law was sick?

MU163001 036

   Spoken: Su       eyewg pakakita         ki       regma neg 
   Formal: su eyew  -     egpakakita       ki       regma ne  
 Phonemic: su_­eyew -     ­egpakakita      ki1      degma ne  
  Lexemes: su_­eyew -     ­eg- =pAkA-=kita ki1      degma ne  
  Lex POS: conj     -     v_aff=v_aff=v_rt pron     adt   lnk 
Lex Gloss: so_that  -     NP   =INVOL=see  1pi_F    also  LNK 
 Word POS: conj     -     v                pron     adt   lnk 
Wrd Gloss: so_that  -     able_to_see      we(incl) also  -   

   Spoken: pakasuman-suman             ki       te  igbawi              ne  
   Formal: egpakasuman-suman           ki       te  igbawi              ne  
 Phonemic: ­egpakasumansuman           ki1      te  ­igbawi­            ne  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =pAkA-=rdpRT-=suman    ki1      te  ­ig-   =bawi­       ne  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_aff =v_rt     pron     cmk v_aff  =n           lnk 
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=INT   =remember 1pi_F    NF  NP_AccF=medicine    LNK 
 Word POS: v                           pron     cmk v                   lnk 
Wrd Gloss: think                       we(incl) -   administer_medicine -   

   Spoken: egpangetayen                           ta         riyet     
   Formal: egpangetayen                           ta         riye  te  
 Phonemic: ­egpa¥etayen                           ta         die­ #te  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =paN- =ketey               =-en   ta         die­ #te  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=n                   =v_aff pron       dem  #cmk 
Lex Gloss: NP   =DISTR=traditional_medicine=ObF   1pi_NF(II) there#NF  
 Word POS: v                                      pron       dem  #cmk 
Wrd Gloss: look_for_herbal_medicine               we(incl)   there#at  

   Spoken: katalunan."          
   Formal: katalunan            
 Phonemic: katalunan            
  Lexemes: kA><an-=talun        
  Lex POS: v_aff  =n            
Lex Gloss: NOM    =wild_pepper  
 Word POS: n                    
Wrd Gloss: wilderness           

So that we could have seen also and we could have thought about administering herbal medicines that we would have looked for there in the wilderness.

So that we could have seen also and could have thought about administering herbal medicines that we would have looked for in the bush.

MU163001 037

   Spoken: Ne  impanulu       te  apu               ta         te  seini  kua  
   Formal: Ne  impanulu       te  apu               ta         te  seini  kua  
 Phonemic: ne  ­impanulu­     te  ­apu­             ta         te  se­ini ku­a 
  Lexemes: ne  ­iN-  =panulu­ te  ­apu­             ta         te  se­ini ku­a 
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff =v_rt    cmk n                 pron       cmk pron   v_rt 
Lex Gloss: LNK P_AccF=teach   NF  grandparent/child 1pi_NF(II) NF  this   take 
 Word POS: lnk v              cmk n                 poss_pron  cmk pron   v    
Wrd Gloss: -   taught         by  grandparent       our(incl)  -   this   take 

   Spoken: niyu      ke   rue      masakit            ne  getek   niyu      ne  
   Formal: niyu      ke   rue      masakit            ne  getek   niyu      ne  
 Phonemic: niu       ke   du­e1    masakit            ne  getek   niu       ne  
  Lexemes: niu       ke   du­e1    mA1-=sakit         ne  getek   niu       ne  
  Lex POS: pron      conj psd_v    aff =n             lnk n       pron      lnk 
Lex Gloss: 2p_NF(II) if   there_is ADJR=pain/sickness LNK belly   2p_NF(II) LNK 
 Word POS: pron      conj psd_v    adj                lnk n       poss_pron lnk 
Wrd Gloss: you(pl)   if   there_is sore               -   abdomen your(pl)  -   

   Spoken: seini  angaya        niyu      ne  sagbet seg ngaranan          te  
   Formal: seini  angaya        niyu      ne  sagbet se  egngaranan        te  
 Phonemic: se­ini ­a¥aya        niu       ne  sagbet se  ­eg¥adanan        te  
  Lexemes: se­ini ­a¥ey=-a      niu       ne  sagbet se  ­eg- =¥adan=-an   te  
  Lex POS: pron   v_rt =v_aff   pron      lnk n      cmk v_aff=n    =v_aff cmk 
Lex Gloss: this   bring=UnA_ObF 2p_NF(II) LNK weed   F   NP   =name =LocF  NF  
 Word POS: pron   v             pron      lnk n      cmk v                 cmk 
Wrd Gloss: this   fetch         you(pl)   -   grass  the named             -   

   Spoken: indaluhung, wey  isu             ka  bawi     te  eg-indes,      wey  
   Formal: indaluhung  wey  isu             ka  bawi     te  eg-indes       wey  
 Phonemic: ­indalugu¥  wey  ­isu­           ka2 bawi­    te  ­eg­indes      wey  
  Lexemes: ­indalugu¥  wey  ­isu­           ka2 bawi­    te  ­eg- =­indes   wey  
  Lex POS: n           conj n               cmk n        cmk v_aff=v_rt     conj 
Lex Gloss: a_tree      and  a_fragrant_tree F   medicine NF  NP   =defecate and  
 Word POS: n           conj n               cmk n        cmk v              conj 
Wrd Gloss: a_tree      and  a_fragrant_tree the medicine for defecate       and  

   Spoken: egmasakit                se  getek   ke   nekey se  dalu     ne  - 
   Formal: egmasakit                se  getek   ke   nekey se  dalu     ne  - 
 Phonemic: ­egmasakit               se  getek   ke   nekey se  dalu     ne  - 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =mA1-=sakit         se  getek   ke   nekey se  dalu     ne  - 
  Lex POS: v_aff=aff =n             cmk n       conj pron  cmk n        lnk - 
Lex Gloss: NP   =ADJR=pain/sickness F   belly   if   what  F   sickness LNK - 
 Word POS: v                        cmk n       conj pron  cmk n        lnk - 
Wrd Gloss: be_ill                   the abdomen if   what  the sickness -   - 

   Spoken: kalkalasi         ne  dalu.    
   Formal: kalkalasi         ne  dalu     
 Phonemic: kalkalasi         ne  dalu     
  Lexemes: rdpCVC-=kalasi    ne  dalu     
  Lex POS: v_aff  =adj       lnk n        
Lex Gloss: INT    =different LNK sickness 
 Word POS: adj               lnk n        
Wrd Gloss: various           -   sickness 

It was taught by our grandparents to get this if you have a sore stomach, get a plant called "indaluhung" and "is—", the medicine for diarrhea and sore stomach and whatever class of sickness.

We were taught by our grandparents to get this if you have a sore stomach, get a plant called "indaluhung" and "is—", the medicine for diarrhea and sore stomach and whatever class of sickness.

This knowledge of herbal medicines is restricted to just a few. If others want the knowledge they have to pay for it.

MU163001 038

   Spoken: Ne  seeye      naas        pangguhureng           ku        ne  ware  
   Formal: Ne  seeye      naa     se  pangguhuren            ku        ne  ware  
 Phonemic: ne  se­eye­    na­a   #se  pa¥guguden             ku        ne  wade­ 
  Lexemes: ne  se­eye­    na­a   #se  paN- =gugud     =-en   ku        ne  wade­ 
  Lex POS: lnk dem        part   #cmk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron      lnk adv   
Lex Gloss: LNK that_there so/then#F   DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) LNK no    
 Word POS: lnk dem        part   #cmk n                      poss_pron lnk adv   
Wrd Gloss: -   there      then   #the story                  my        -   not   

   Spoken: naluhey              ne  migderalu             su         
   Formal: naluhey              ne  migderalu             su         
 Phonemic: nalugey              ne  migdedalu             su         
  Lexemes: nA-  =lugey          ne  mig- =rdpCV-=dalu     su         
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt           lnk v_aff=***   =n        conj       
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=be_a_long_time LNK P    =***   =sickness because/so 
 Word POS: v                    lnk v                     conj       
Wrd Gloss: took_a_long_time     -   was_ill               because    

   Spoken: nasimahan         de   iya  si         Ilayew  se  migderalu             
   Formal: nasimahan         de   iya  si         Ilayew  se  migderalu             
 Phonemic: nasimagan         de­  ­ia  si         ­Ilayew se  migdedalu             
  Lexemes: nA><an-=simag     de­  ­ia  si         ­Ilayew se  mig- =rdpCV-=dalu     
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt      part part cmk        prop_n  cmk v_aff=***   =n        
Lex Gloss: NOM    =one_night only that F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  F   P    =***   =sickness 
 Word POS: n                 part part cmk        prop_n  cmk v                     
Wrd Gloss: one_night         just that -          Ilayew  the was_ill               

   Spoken: ne  migpatey    e.   
   Formal: ne  migpatey    e    
 Phonemic: ne  migpatey    ­e   
  Lexemes: ne  mig- =patey ­e   
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff=v_rt  part 
Lex Gloss: LNK P    =die   COMP 
 Word POS: lnk v           part 
Wrd Gloss: -   died        COMP 

So that then is my story that it wasn't a long time that he was sick, just one night and Ilayew the one who was sick died.

So that then is my story that it wasn't a long time that he was sick - just one night and Ilayew died.

MU163001 039

   Spoken: Ne  kuntee    ne  nekey naam       pad    iya  te  warad          ma   
   Formal: Ne  kuntee    ne  nekey naam       pad    iya  te  warad          ma   
 Phonemic: ne  kunte­e   ne  nekey na­am      pad    ­ia  te  wadad          ma   
  Lexemes: ne  kunte­e   ne  nekey na­a   =-N pad    ­ia  te  wade­=-d       ma   
  Lex POS: lnk adv       lnk pron  part   =– part   part cmk adv  =nonv_aff part 
Lex Gloss: LNK now/today LNK what  so/then=– INCOMP that NF  no   =COMPL    DIM  
 Word POS: lnk adv       lnk pron  adt        part   part cmk adt            part 
Wrd Gloss: -   now       -   what  so_then    still  that -   no_more        DIM  

   Spoken: mekaamung  ni              Besinti su         migpatey    man-e si         
   Formal: mekaamung  ni              Besinti su         migpatey    man-e si         
 Phonemic: meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti su         migpatey    man­e si         
  Lexemes: meka­amu¥  ni              Besinti su         mig- =patey man­e si         
  Lex POS: n          cmk             prop_n  conj       v_aff=v_rt  adv   cmk        
Lex Gloss: son-in-law NF(II)_PERS(sg) Besinti because/so P    =die   again F_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: n          cmk             prop_n  conj       v           adv   cmk        
Wrd Gloss: son-in-law of              Vicente because    died        again -          

   Spoken: Ilayew. 
   Formal: Ilayew  
 Phonemic: ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: prop_n  
Lex Gloss: Ilayew  
 Word POS: prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: Ilayew  

So today then, the son-in-law of Vicente is no more because Ilayew has died.

So today then, Vicente no longer has his son-in-law because Ilayew has died.

"man-e" must have some other aspect of meaning other than "again" because Ilayew only got sick and died once.

MU163001 040

   Spoken: Ne  seeye      se  napatey     inlebeng     ne  warad          
   Formal: Ne  seeye      se  napatey     inlebeng     ne  warad          
 Phonemic: ne  se­eye­    se  napatey     ­inlebe¥     ne  wadad          
  Lexemes: ne  se­eye­    se  nA-  =patey ­iN-  =lebe¥ ne  wade­=-d       
  Lex POS: lnk dem        cmk v_aff=v_rt  v_aff =v_rt  lnk adv  =nonv_aff 
Lex Gloss: LNK that_there F   P_ObF=die   P_AccF=bury  LNK no   =COMPL    
 Word POS: lnk dem        cmk v           v            lnk adt            
Wrd Gloss: -   there      the died        buried       -   no_more        

   Spoken: neyimu        ne  lalag  dan       te  tahabalei                   
   Formal: neyimu        ne  lalag  dan       te  tahabalei                   
 Phonemic: nehimu        ne  lalag  dan       te  tagabale­i                  
  Lexemes: nA-  =himu    ne  lalag  dan       te  taga-     =bale­i           
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    lnk v_rt   pron      cmk aff       =n                
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=make/do LNK say    3p_NF(II) NF  RECIPROCAL=co-parent-in-law 
 Word POS: v             lnk n      pron      cmk n                           
Wrd Gloss: made          -   speech their     -   parents_of_married_couple   

   Spoken: ki               Ansarew  su         iyam ma   egkeyimu            ne  
   Formal: ki               Ansarew  su         iyan ma   egkeyimu            ne  
 Phonemic: ki2              ­ansadew su         ­ian ma   ­egkehimu           ne  
  Lexemes: ki2              ­ansadew su         ­ian ma   ­eg- =kA1- =himu    ne  
  Lex POS: cmk              prop_n   conj       dem  part v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    lnk 
Lex Gloss: NF(III)_PERS(sg) Ansarew  because/so that DIM  NP   =INVOL=make/do LNK 
 Word POS: cmk              prop_n   conj       dem  part v                   lnk 
Wrd Gloss: of               Ansarew  because    that DIM  make                -   

   Spoken: lalag  dan       se  egkaayun             neg 
   Formal: lalag  dan       se  egkaayun             ne  
 Phonemic: lalag  dan       se  ­egka­ayun           ne  
  Lexemes: lalag  dan       se  ­eg- =kA1- =­ayun    ne  
  Lex POS: v_rt   pron      cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     lnk 
Lex Gloss: say    3p_NF(II) F   NP   =INVOL=possible LNK 
 Word POS: n      pron      cmk v                    lnk 
Wrd Gloss: speech their     the possible             -   

   Spoken: pamaluwen                     ded           si         Uggenya. 
   Formal: egpamaluwen                   ded           si         Uggenya  
 Phonemic: ­egpamaluen                   ded           si         ­uggenya 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =paN- =balu =-en         de­ =-d       si         ­uggenya 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=n    =v_aff       part=nonv_aff cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: NP   =DISTR=widow=ObF         only=COMPL    F_PERS(sg) Uggenya  
 Word POS: v                             part          cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: remarry_after_death_of_spouse just_COMPL    -          Uggenya  

Now that who died was buried and there was no more talk between the two sets of parents because that was their talk that it is possible that Uggenya will be remarried.

So the one who had died was buried and there was no more talk between the two sets of parents (Vicente and Ansarew) because they agreed that is was possible that Uggenya (the new widow) be remarried.

Ansarew is the uncle of Ilayew. Uggenya was the wife of Ilayew - she is the daughter of Vicente (Mohos). Note that even though the father of Ilayew was present, it was delegated to Ansarew, the uncle, to negotiate.

MU163001 041

   Spoken: Ware  pad    nalalag     sika intahu          pad.   
   Formal: Ware  pad    nalalag     sika intahu          pad    
 Phonemic: wade­ pad    nalalag     sika ­intagu­        pad    
  Lexemes: wade­ pad    nA-  =lalag sika ­iN-  =tagu­    pad    
  Lex POS: adv   part   v_aff=v_rt  pron v_aff =v_rt     part   
Lex Gloss: no    INCOMP P_ObF=say   that P_AccF=put_away INCOMP 
 Word POS: adv   part   v           pron v               part   
Wrd Gloss: not   yet    said        that stored          still  

(She) didn't talk yet, she stored it.

She didn't say anything yet - she saved it.

MU163001 042

   Spoken: Wey  eglalaha            keureme   ke   meupiya     red           se  
   Formal: Wey  eglalaha            keureme   ke   meupiya     red           se  
 Phonemic: wey  ­eglalaga           ke­udeme­ ke   me­upia     ded           se  
  Lexemes: wey  ­eg- =lalag=-a      ke­udeme­ ke   mA1-=­upia  de­ =-d       se  
  Lex POS: conj v_aff=v_rt =v_aff   adv       conj aff =adj_rt part=nonv_aff cmk 
Lex Gloss: and  NP   =say  =UnA_ObF future    if   ADJR=good   only=COMPL    F   
 Word POS: conj v                   adv       conj adj         part          cmk 
Wrd Gloss: and  say                 in_future if   good        just_COMPL    the 

   Spoken: geyinawa enni            Ansarew  keg  paasawaan                
   Formal: geyinawa enni            Ansarew  ke   egpaasawaan              
 Phonemic: geinawa  ­enni           ­ansadew ke   ­egpa­asawa­an           
  Lexemes: geinawa  ­enni           ­ansadew ke   ­eg- =pA-  =­asawa=-an   
  Lex POS: n        cmk             prop_n   conj v_aff=v_aff=n     =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: breath   NF(II)_PERS(pl) Ansarew  if   NP   =CAUS =spouse=LocF  
 Word POS: n        cmk             prop_n   conj v                        
Wrd Gloss: feeling  of              Ansarew  if   cause_to_marry           

   Spoken: ded           si         Uggenya  ne  emun    naa     hendue   sug        
   Formal: ded           si         Uggenya  ne  emun    naa     hendue   su         
 Phonemic: ded           si         ­uggenya ne  ­emun   na­a    hendu­e  su         
  Lexemes: de­ =-d       si         ­uggenya ne  ­emun   na­a    hendu­e  su         
  Lex POS: part=nonv_aff cmk        prop_n   lnk conj    part    v_rt     conj       
Lex Gloss: only=COMPL    F_PERS(sg) Uggenya  LNK if/when so/then go_there because/so 
 Word POS: part          cmk        prop_n   lnk conj    part    adt      conj       
Wrd Gloss: just_COMPL    -          Uggenya  -   if      then    go_there because    

   Spoken: talipunen            ded           ka  balu  ran.      
   Formal: egtalipunen          ded           ka  balu  ran       
 Phonemic: ­egtalipunen         ded           ka2 balu  dan       
  Lexemes: ­eg- =talipun =-en   de­ =-d       ka2 balu  dan       
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    =v_aff part=nonv_aff cmk n     pron      
Lex Gloss: NP   =transfer=ObF   only=COMPL    F   widow 3p_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                    part          cmk n     pron      
Wrd Gloss: go_and_live_there    just_COMPL    the widow their     

And they will talk in the future if Ansarew and company have good feelings if Uggenya will be remarried and when their widow will go and live there.

And they will talk in the future if Ansarew and company feel good about remarrying Uggenya, and when their widow will go and live with someone else.

Uggenya effectively belongs to the family of her father-in-law represented in this story by her uncle Ansarew because they would have paid a price to have her married their son/nephew. Thus she is referred to as "their" widow.

MU163001 043

   Spoken: Ne  meyi kenad          egpaasawaan              ne  si         Mehes  seg 
   Formal: Ne  meyi kenad          egpaasawaan              ne  si         Mehes  se  
 Phonemic: ne  mei­ kenad          ­egpa­asawa­an           ne  si         meges  se  
  Lexemes: ne  mei­ kene­=-d       ­eg- =pA-  =­asawa=-an   ne  si         meges  se  
  Lex POS: lnk conj adv  =nonv_aff v_aff=v_aff=n     =v_aff lnk cmk        prop_n cmk 
Lex Gloss: LNK if   not  =COMPL    NP   =CAUS =spouse=LocF  LNK F_PERS(sg) skinny F   
 Word POS: lnk conj adv            v                        lnk cmk        prop_n cmk 
Wrd Gloss: -   if   not_COMPL      cause_to_marry           -   -          Mehes  the 

   Spoken: panabuk            egbehey     te  kudde  keureme   keg  
   Formal: egpanabuk          egbehey     te  kudde  keureme   ke   
 Phonemic: ­egpanabuk         ­egbegey    te  kudde­ ke­udeme­ ke   
  Lexemes: ­eg- =panabuk      ­eg- =begey te  kudde­ ke­udeme­ ke   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt         v_aff=v_rt  cmk n      adv       conj 
Lex Gloss: NP   =give_payment NP   =give  NF  horse  future    if   
 Word POS: v                  v           cmk n      adv       conj 
Wrd Gloss: give_payment       give        -   horse  in_future if   

   Spoken: kasale              si         Uggenya  se  asawa  ni              Ilayew. 
   Formal: egkasale            si         Uggenya  se  asawa  ni              Ilayew  
 Phonemic: ­egkasale­          si         ­uggenya se  ­asawa ni              ­Ilayew 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =sale­   si         ­uggenya se  ­asawa ni              ­Ilayew 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=n       cmk        prop_n   cmk n      cmk             prop_n  
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=offense F_PERS(sg) Uggenya  F   spouse NF(II)_PERS(sg) Ilayew  
 Word POS: v                   cmk        prop_n   cmk n      cmk             prop_n  
Wrd Gloss: sin                 -          Uggenya  the wife   of              Ilayew  

And if they don't remarry her, Mohos is the one who will pay, will give a horse in the future if Uggenya, the spouse of Ilayew has relations (with another man).

And if they don't arrange a new marriage for her, Mohos is the one who will pay, who will give a horse in the future if Ilayew's wife, Uggenya, has relations (with another man).

"salŠ" here clearly and specifically refers to marital relations. If Uggenya has relations with another man who is not a close relative of her previous husband, her family is required to pay a horse or water buffalo to compensate for her loss from her husband's family who would have given a similar gift to allow Ilayew to marry her.

MU163001 044

   Spoken: Ne  emun    igbehey       ni              Besinti ne  igpaasawa            
   Formal: Ne  emun    igbehey       ni              Besinti ne  igpaasawa            
 Phonemic: ne  ­emun   ­igbegey      ni              Besinti ne  ­igpa­asawa          
  Lexemes: ne  ­emun   ­ig-   =begey ni              Besinti ne  ­ig-   =pA-  =­asawa 
  Lex POS: lnk conj    v_aff  =v_rt  cmk             prop_n  lnk v_aff  =v_aff=n      
Lex Gloss: LNK if/when NP_AccF=give  NF(II)_PERS(sg) Besinti LNK NP_AccF=CAUS =spouse 
 Word POS: lnk conj    v             cmk             prop_n  lnk v                    
Wrd Gloss: -   if      give          by              Vicente -   will_cause_to_marry  

   Spoken: red           te  egbalu-balu        ne  ware  kalabew,      ware  kudde  
   Formal: red           te  egbalu-balu        ne  ware  kalabew       ware  kudde  
 Phonemic: ded           te  ­egbalubalu        ne  wade­ kalabew       wade­ kudde­ 
  Lexemes: de­ =-d       te  ­eg- =rdpRT-=balu  ne  wade­ kalabew       wade­ kudde­ 
  Lex POS: part=nonv_aff cmk v_aff=v_aff =n     lnk adv   n             adv   n      
Lex Gloss: only=COMPL    NF  NP   =INT   =widow LNK no    water_buffalo no    horse  
 Word POS: part          cmk v                  lnk adv   n             adv   n      
Wrd Gloss: just_COMPL    -   request_gift       -   no    water_buffalo no    horse  

   Spoken: ne  igpakabehey         su         egpamaluwen                   dan  man  
   Formal: ne  igpakabehey         su         egpamaluwen                   dan  man  
 Phonemic: ne  ­igpakabegey        su         ­egpamaluen                   dan  man  
  Lexemes: ne  ­ig-   =pAkA-=begey su         ­eg- =paN- =balu =-en         dan  man  
  Lex POS: lnk v_aff  =v_aff=v_rt  conj       v_aff=v_aff=n    =v_aff       pron part 
Lex Gloss: LNK NP_AccF=INVOL=give  because/so NP   =DISTR=widow=ObF         3p_F ***  
 Word POS: lnk v                   conj       v                             pron part 
Wrd Gloss: -   give                because    remarry_after_death_of_spouse they ***  

   Spoken: ded           ka  si         Uggenya  se  balu  ran.      
   Formal: ded           ka  si         Uggenya  se  balu  ran       
 Phonemic: ded           ka2 si         ­uggenya se  balu  dan       
  Lexemes: de­ =-d       ka2 si         ­uggenya se  balu  dan       
  Lex POS: part=nonv_aff cmk cmk        prop_n   cmk n     pron      
Lex Gloss: only=COMPL    F   F_PERS(sg) Uggenya  F   widow 3p_NF(II) 
 Word POS: part          cmk cmk        prop_n   cmk n     pron      
Wrd Gloss: just_COMPL    the -          Uggenya  the widow their     

But if Vicente gives her to be married into her husband's family, no carabbao, no horse will have to be given because they will have remarried Uggenya, their widow.

But if Vicente give her to be married again into her (deceased) husband's family, then no water buffalo or horse will have to be given because her husband's family will be remarrying the widow that they own.

MU163001 045

   Spoken: Seeye      naa     seeye      se  pangguhureng           ku        ne  
   Formal: Seeye      naa     seeye      se  pangguhuren            ku        ne  
 Phonemic: se­eye­    na­a    se­eye­    se  pa¥guguden             ku        ne  
  Lexemes: se­eye­    na­a    se­eye­    se  paN- =gugud     =-en   ku        ne  
  Lex POS: dem        part    dem        cmk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron      lnk 
Lex Gloss: that_there so/then that_there F   DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) LNK 
 Word POS: dem        part    dem        cmk n                      poss_pron lnk 
Wrd Gloss: there      then    there      the story                  my        -   

   Spoken: igkeinu-inu                 ney        si         Ilayew  se  migpatey    
   Formal: igkeinu-inu                 ney        si         Ilayew  se  migpatey    
 Phonemic: ­igke­inu­inu               ney        si         ­Ilayew se  migpatey    
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =kA1- =rdpRT-=­inu   ney        si         ­Ilayew se  mig- =patey 
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_aff=v_aff =v_rt   pron       cmk        prop_n  cmk v_aff=v_rt  
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=INVOL=INT   =marvel 1pe_NF(II) F_PERS(sg) Ilayew  F   P    =die   
 Word POS: v                           pron       cmk        prop_n  cmk v           
Wrd Gloss: wonder                      we(excl)   -          Ilayew  the died        

   Spoken: te  ware  ney        amana  nataheyi            ne  migderalu.            
   Formal: te  ware  ney        amana  nataheyi            ne  migderalu             
 Phonemic: te  wade­ ney        ­amana natagei             ne  migdedalu             
  Lexemes: te  wade­ ney        ­amana nA-  =taga=-i       ne  mig- =rdpCV-=dalu     
  Lex POS: cmk adv   pron       adj    v_aff=v_rt=v_aff    lnk v_aff=***   =n        
Lex Gloss: NF  no    1pe_NF(II) very   P_ObF=tell=UnA_LocF LNK P    =***   =sickness 
 Word POS: cmk adv   pron       adj    v                   lnk v                     
Wrd Gloss: -   not   we(excl)   very   knew                -   was_ill               

That then - that is my story about why we were amazed that Ilayew died when we didn't really know that he was sick.

So that then is my story about why we were amazed that Ilayew died when we didn't even know that he was sick.

MU163001 046

   Spoken: Dueng    ku        re   igtaman       se  keddin         
   Formal: duen     ku        re   igtaman       se  keddi      ne  
 Phonemic: du­en    ku        de­  ­igtaman      se  keddi­    #ne  
  Lexemes: du­e2=-N ku        de­  ­ig-   =taman se  keddi­    #ne  
  Lex POS: pron =– pron      part v_aff  =adv   cmk pron      #lnk 
Lex Gloss: there=– 1s_NF(II) only NP_AccF=until F   1s_NF(III)#LNK 
 Word POS: dem      pron      part v             cmk poss_pron #lnk 
Wrd Gloss: there    I         just finish        the my        #-   

   Spoken: pangguhuren            su       eyew egkatuenan              
   Formal: pangguhuren            su eyew  -    egkatuenan              
 Phonemic: pa¥guguden             su_­eyew -    ­egkatu­enan            
  Lexemes: paN- =gugud     =-en   su_­eyew -    ­eg- =kA1- =tu­en=-an   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff conj     -    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: DISTR=tell_story=ObF   so_that  -    NP   =INVOL=know =LocF  
 Word POS: n                      conj     -    v                       
Wrd Gloss: story                  so_that  -    know                    

   Spoken: ni              mengeanak se  guhureng         ku.       
   Formal: ni              mengeanak se  guhuren          ku        
 Phonemic: ni              me¥e­anak se  guguden          ku        
  Lexemes: ni              me¥e­anak se  gugud     =-en   ku        
  Lex POS: cmk             n         cmk v_rt      =v_aff pron      
Lex Gloss: NF(II)_PERS(sg) nephew    F   tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: cmk             n         cmk n                poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: by              nephew    the story            my        

There I will finish my story so that nephew knows my story.

That is the end of my story which I told so that nephew will know this story.